Fangs and All Read online

Page 3

Samuel turned from the bookshelf he was perusing and glanced over his shoulder at Kane. Damn, that man was gorgeous. Kane was a few inches shorter than Samuel, and definitely not as muscle bound, but the man carried himself with an air of confidence and lethal strength.

  Samuel could almost imagine him being an alpha. Kane certainly had the aura for it—all dark blues with a tinge of red around the edges. The very center was white, and that was the only reason that Samuel had agreed to come upstairs with Kane.

  A blue aura meant strength and power, and Kane had that in spades. Red was the man’s feral nature, telling Samuel that Kane was possessive and fought for what he believed in. He wouldn’t go down easily in a fight. He was loyal and dedicated to those he cared about.

  The white, however, represented Kane’s soul—his pure soul.

  Anyone could have power and strength and dedication, but still have a soul as black as death. Those were the people that Samuel avoided like the plague.

  His father’s aura had been white once upon a time, but as Samuel grew older, it had started to fade, turning dingy white and then light gray. In recent weeks, it had turned dark gray, and that scared Samuel.

  The next level was black, and black was wholly evil.

  “I have wine, beer, soda, and water,” Kane said, continuing to talk through Samuel’s internal thoughts. “What can I get you?”

  “Water would be fine.”


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  Kane looked nonplussed for a moment. “Okay,” he said as he turned and walked around the breakfast bar island separating the living room from the kitchen area. He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water and a beer.

  “Not much of a drinker?” Kane asked as he turned around and set them both on the counter before popping the top on his beer.

  “Not really. I don’t think I ever developed the taste for it.” And he didn’t want to. Drinking led to letting go of inhibitions, and that led to making mistakes that couldn’t always be rectified in dawn’s early light.

  “That’s not always a bad thing.” Kane chuckled as he walked back around the counter and sauntered over to the couch. “People who tend to drink a lot should not be working in a bar. They tend to drink all of the inventory.”

  Once Kane sat, Samuel moved over to sit on the other end of the couch, angling his body so that his back was against the arm of the couch and he was facing Kane. Damn, he really liked the way the man looked.

  “That sounds like the voice of experience.”

  The corner of Kane’s mouth curved up. “It is. I’ve been in the business long enough to know being an alcoholic and working in a bar are not two things that should happen together. I’ve lost more than one employee that way.”

  “How long have you owned this place?” Samuel was desperate to know everything about Kane, every tidbit of information.

  “It seems like forever but in all actuality, only about eight years.

  My brother owned the place before me, but he died several years back and I inherited the place from him.” Kane chuckled suddenly, which was strange considering he had just talked about his brother dying.

  “You should have seen the place then. It was a real dive.”

  Samuel grinned. “You seem to have done okay with it.”

  “It’s my home. I love it here. Granted, I wouldn’t mind if some of the customers never returned, but in general, they are okay. Most of

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  them are just looking for a place to have a good time and cut loose.

  It’s when the real assholes show up that we have problems.”

  Samuel remembered a few of the bar fights he had broken up tonight and grimaced. “Were they here tonight?”

  “Oh no.” Samuel inhaled sharply when Kane laughed. The man’s amusement made his eyes sparkle with life, and some of the stress lines in his face smoothed out. “No, what you saw tonight was the regular crowd. The assholes usually only show up once a month or so.”

  “Well, warn me, huh? I’d like to know who I need to keep an eye on.”

  “Don’t worry, when this particular group shows up, it’s all hands on deck. I assign two bouncers to the doors and another two to the floor. I like my bar to be in one piece after they leave, and it takes that many people to keep them in line.”

  “Why do you allow them into the bar if they are so much trouble?”

  Kane’s lips thinned. He brought the beer bottle in his hand to his lips and took a swallow before lowering it back to his lap. Samuel had the notion that Kane was trying to formulate an answer.

  “For one, the guy in charge of these assholes always pays for any damage to the place. For two, they drink like fish, and that increases my profits. And three, I don’t think they would really take me seriously if I told them to leave.”

  “Can’t you just ban them?”

  “No.” Kane’s soft dark brown curls brushed against his cheek as he shook his head. “I have a long-standing agreement with the man that keeps the meatheads in line. If I break that agreement, he could bring his guys in and tear the place apart and then not pay for the damages.”

  Samuel’s mouth dropped open. “He’s threatened you?”

  “Not in exact words, no, but we have a kind of understanding. I look the other way when his boys get rowdy, and he pays for any


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  damages. They really don’t get too bad, but they can start stuff if others get in their way. The local crowd knows to stay away when Fallon and his group are here.”

  Samuel was kind of shocked. Kane had such an intimidating presence. He couldn’t imagine the man backing down from anyone.

  But what did he know? He couldn’t stand up to his own father.

  Samuel realized that he was weak. He had figured that out long ago. He didn’t like fighting of any kind. It always made his stomach clench. He would much rather talk a problem out than throw a punch.

  His only problem was that most people expected him to be violent because of his size.

  He hoped Kane didn’t feel that way.

  “Do you like owning a bar?” Samuel asked just to hear Kane talk some more. He was pretty sure he could listen to the man talk all day long. Kane might have been smaller than him, but he had a deep whiskey voice that set him apart from anyone Samuel had ever met.

  “I do.”

  Samuel inhaled softly when Kane grinned. It lit up the man’s entire face, and it was all Samuel could do not to lean into the man.

  The wave of lust that was sweeping through him made him dizzy.

  “Wha—what do you like about it?”

  “I like not working for someone else, that’s for sure. I have a small problem with authority figures, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  Samuel chuckled. He couldn’t imagine Kane submitting to anyone, let alone a superior. “I suppose I can see that.”

  “I also like knowing that my hard work is what keeps me going. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this place. It’s mine, all mine. I don’t even have a bank loan on it. Any profits that are made go right back into the bar, and I don’t have to answer to anyone for the choices I make.”

  “Must be nice.” Samuel couldn’t remember not having to answer for every little thing he did. He couldn’t even conceive of not having to report to someone.

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  “What about you, baby?” Kane asked. “What do you like about working in a bar?”

  Samuel shrugged and dropped his eyes. He wasn’t comfortable having the spotlight on him. “I’m good at it, I guess. People generally tend not to fuck with me.” Of course, the flip side of that coin was that everyone expected him to be big, mean, and intimidating. He was big, but that was about it.

  He couldn’t intimidate a mouse.

  “Have you ever wanted to do anything else?”

  “I’ve never really given it much thought.” He didn’t mind working in a bar. He liked working an
d working at night was even better for him. He just wished that someone would see him as more than a muscle-bound meathead. There was more to him than bulging muscles and a heavy fist.

  Samuel inhaled swiftly when Kane set his beer bottle down on the table and started crawling down the length of the leather couch toward him. When Kane reached him, he took the bottle of water out of Samuel’s hand and set it on the table next to his beer.

  And then he turned his full attention on Samuel.

  Samuel could barely breathe. The desire burning in Kane’s eyes was something Samuel had never seen, at least not aimed in his direction. He wasn’t a virgin, but he had never had anyone look at him like Kane was doing now. Samuel felt like the man wanted to devour him.

  “Kane,” he whispered.

  “Enough talk, Samuel,” Kane said as he nuzzled his face into the curve of Samuel’s neck. “I want to get to know you better, but right now, I want to get to know your body, every damn inch of it.”

  “Okay,” Samuel croaked out.

  Samuel’s eyes fluttered closed when he felt Kane’s tongue lick up the side of his neck. His heartbeat was rapid, and he couldn’t seem to get enough air into his lungs. Samuel dropped his head back against


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  the couch and gave Kane better access to his throat. It was a gesture he would never have normally made, but it just felt right with Kane.

  He groaned when Kane took full advantage of that move and proceeded to lick and nibble on his skin. The man in him gloried in each little lick. The vampire in him was yowling with delight at each nip.

  Samuel knew that he was submissive. It was one of the things that made his life so hard. With his size, he should have been a Dom at the very least. He wasn’t. He desired to have someone stronger than him make him submit.

  And while Kane might not know exactly what he was doing, Samuel felt like baring his throat to Kane, admitting to himself and to Samuel that Kane was of higher rank than he was. Now, if Kane would fuck him at the same time, Samuel would be in heaven.

  “Kane,” Samuel whispered. “Please.”

  “Oh yeah, baby,” Kane murmured against his skin, “tell me what you want.”

  “You,” Samuel moaned. He couldn’t believe he was begging, but he couldn’t help it. If Kane didn’t fuck him soon, Samuel was pretty sure he would wither up and die. “Fuck me, Kane.”

  “Take your shirt off, baby,” Kane said as he leaned back and knelt on his knees above Samuel.

  Samuel’s tongue nearly fell out of his mouth when Kane whipped his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Oh man, Kane might not be big and muscular like Samuel, but he had tight, rippled muscles in all of the right places. Samuel had a strong desire to lick every inch of Kane’s six-pack abs.

  And the small trail of dark hair that led from Kane’s belly button down under the waistband of his jeans begged to be followed. Before Kane could move back over the top of him, Samuel sat up and reached for the zipper on Kane’s jeans. His heart hammered in his chest as he slowly lowered the zipper and revealed the most marvelous dick he had ever seen.

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  Samuel licked his lips, aching to have that long, hard shaft between his lips. He started to reach for it when Kane’s hand on his wrist stopped him. Samuel’s heart froze in his throat. His eyes darted up.

  Had he done something wrong?

  “Shirt, Samuel.”



  Samuel grabbed the edges of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. He dropped it onto the floor and went back to looking at the thick cock he wanted to worship with his mouth. He licked his lips again, hoping he wouldn’t have to beg.

  But he would if he had to.


  Kane grabbed the base of his cock. Samuel swallowed hard as he watched the man’s fingers wrap around his thick cock. He knew Kane was teasing him when the man stroked the full length of his shaft a few times, thrusting forward into his hand.

  “Is this what you want, baby?”

  Samuel nodded. He was beyond words at that point. The moisture pooling in his mouth was threatening to spill out of his mouth and drip down his chin.

  “Lose the pants, Samuel, but keep the boots on.”

  Samuel blinked up at Kane for a moment. He was shocked to see a slight flush filling Kane’s face. He wasn’t sure what it came from, but he wasn’t about to ask questions when Kane was staring down at him like he was a glass of water in the middle of the desert.

  Samuel moved out from beneath Kane and stood. He quickly unzipped his pants and shoved them down his legs. It took a little work to get them past his boots, but once he did, he dropped the pants on the floor and turned to face Kane.

  The man was leaning back against the couch, slowly stroking his cock from root to tip. His eyes were eating Samuel alive. And he was


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  naked from the toes up. Samuel hadn’t noticed him getting undressed, but he wished he had. Watching Kane strip would have been a treat.

  “On your knees, Samuel.”

  Oh hell, yes!

  Samuel dropped to his knees right in front of Kane and scooted as close to the couch as he could get. Kane draped his legs over Samuel’s shoulders and spread them wide. Samuel nearly swallowed his tongue when Kane’s thick cock bobbed right in front of his face.

  Had anything ever looked sexier?

  Samuel slowly raised his eyes to meet Kane’s. He kept them locked together as he slowly lowered his head and engulfed Kane’s straining erection. The drops of pre-cum that instantly exploded across his tongue drew out a long, needy groan from Samuel. Kane tasted unlike anything he had ever tasted before. He knew if he wasn’t careful, he could easily become addicted to the way the man tasted.

  Wrapping his lips around the head of Kane’s cock, Samuel began to suck. He was filled with elation when Kane groaned as he swallowed the man down to the back of his throat. He might not be good at a lot of things, but Samuel knew he was good at giving head.

  He had no gag reflex, thanks to his unique genetics. Samuel could practically unhinge his jaw.

  “Suck me, Samuel,” Kane groaned. “Just like that.”

  Samuel was good at following directions. Hell, he was a fucking expert. And to be given orders by a man like Kane only made him want to follow them more. He had an undeniable need to please Kane, to give him whatever he wanted.

  Samuel swallowed again and then began to bob his head up and down Kane’s hard shaft. He wanted, needed, his lover’s seed in his mouth. He reached down with his hand and began to roll Kane’s balls in the palm of his hand. He gently massaged the delicate sacs as he flicked his tongue over the slit of Kane’s cock and was rewarded by the tightening of the man’s body.

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  Samuel nuzzled in the wiry curls before licking his way up the fully hard cock and sucking at the engorged head to savor Kane’s pre-cum. As he swallowed, Samuel felt a hand on his head and looked up to see Kane gazing down at him, his eyes filled with desire.

  “Feels so good, baby,” Kane murmured.

  Encouraged by Kane’s praise, Samuel sucked harder, moving his head up and down. He sucked and swallowed until, with a loud roar, Kane’s release flooded his welcoming mouth. Samuel swallowed all the gorgeous man had to offer and continued to suckle gently, even as Kane softened, reluctant to release the flesh in his mouth.

  Samuel slowly allowed his lover’s cock to slip from his mouth and smiled up at the sated man. He was hard and horny and ached so much he hurt, but the look of satisfaction on Kane’s face made it all worth it.

  “I want you to lie over the side of the couch, Samuel.”

  Samuel swallowed hard as lust beat down on him like a drum.

  “Yes, sir.”

  He heard Kane groan as he jumped to his feet and moved to the end of the couch, draping himself over the arm of the couch. When Kane stood up
and moved behind him, Samuel spread his legs as far apart as they would go.

  “I knew you had a great ass when I saw you in the bar, Samuel,”

  Kane said as he stroked his hand over Samuel’s ass, “but I had no idea it was this perfect.”

  Samuel began to shake when he heard the soft snick of a cap opening. A moment later he felt Kane’s slick fingers move between his ass cheeks. He shivered at the cold lube but knew that it would warm up soon enough.

  He felt a light pressure from the tip of Kane’s finger against his quivering hole. Samuel gasped when he felt Kane’s finger push into him. He held onto the edge of the couch as his ring of muscle squeezed down on the invasion. Bearing down on Kane’s long finger, Samuel tried to brace himself for more.


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  He groaned when Kane’s fingers wiggled in his ass, stretching his opening to force in another digit. Kane pulled all the way back out and pushed back in, fucking Samuel with his fingers for a few strokes.

  Samuel almost couldn’t breathe through the pleasure that raced through his body with the speed of light as Kane stretched him.

  “Do you like that, Samuel?”

  “Yesss,” Samuel hissed.

  He fucking loved it. He would love it even more if Kane would replace his fingers with his cock. He had seen how big Kane was and he wanted that monster cock pounding into his ass until he couldn’t walk straight.

  Kane’s free hand explored the hollows of Samuel’s back, his touch firm and persuasive. Slowly, Kane’s hand moved downward, skimming the side of Samuel’s body to his hip, where his fingers dug in deep.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, Samuel,” Kane said. “Are you ready for me?”

  Instead of answering him verbally, Samuel arched his hips and spread his thighs wider, encouraging Kane to take him. He moaned out loud with erotic pleasure when he felt Kane’s hard cock brush against his ass cheeks. He was more than ready to be fucked. He needed it more than he had ever needed anything in his life.

  Samuel was fully aware of the hardness of Kane’s thigh brushing against his. He was aware of every single movement that Kane made.

  With a deep growl, Kane removed his fingers from Samuel’s ass and pressed his cock against Samuel’s tight entrance. Passion pounded the blood through Samuel’s heart, chest, and head as Kane slowly sank into him.